Downloading NDA data packages with nda-tools

nda-tools is a python package and command line client developed by National Institute of Mental Health Data Archives (NDA) to allow users to programmatically validate, package, submit, and/or download data. This documentation filters out information needed only to download data packages using their command line utility. More information of how to create a NDA data package can be found here.


  1. Python3, pip and nda-tools package
  2. NDA authentication through command line
  3. downloading NDA data package

Install nda-tools

If you don't have python3 and pip installed, please find the instructions on the official nda-tools documentation page. To install nda-tools, run the following command:

pip install nda-tools

Some additional notes if you run into issues:

  • If the nda-tools needs special permission try:
  • pip install nda-tools --user
  • If multiple versions of python or pip exists on the operation machine, the command prompt will not recognize the nda-tools script. Try the > following command instead:
  • python -m NDATools.clientscripts.[NDAtoolcommand]
  • If a deprecated version of the tool is already installed, it'll prompt the user to upgrade. To update, follow the prompt command. Source:

Storing authentication credentials with Keyring

Keyring is a Python package that leverages the operating system's credential manager to securely store and retrieve user credentials. The following commands were run from the terminal on a macOS Catalina v10.15.7:

$ keyring --help                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
usage: keyring [-h] [-p KEYRING_PATH] [-b KEYRING_BACKEND] [--list-backends] [--disable] [operation] [service] [username]

positional arguments:
  operation             get|set|del

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p KEYRING_PATH, --keyring-path KEYRING_PATH
                        Path to the keyring backend
                        Name of the keyring backend
  --list-backends       List keyring backends and exit
  --disable             Disable keyring and exit

The following commands use a hypothetical NDA user with username ambedkar who is trying to download a package with ID 123456. He would need to type in his password that'll be stored securely on Keychain.

$ keyring set nda-tools ambedkar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Password for 'ambedkar' in 'nda-tools': 

nda-tools now trusts that you are indeed who you say you are! So here's the last command (hopefully) to actually download your data. Here's a few lines from the stdout:

$  downloadcmd -dp 123456
Running NDATools Version 0.2.21
Enter your NIMH Data Archives username:ambedkar

No value specified for --workerThreads. Using the default option of 15
Important - You can configure the thread count setting using the --workerThreads argument to maximize your download speed.

Getting Package Information...

Package-id: 123456
Name: testing
Has associated files?: Yes
Number of files in package: 25
Total Package Size: 9.55MB

Downloading all files from package with id: 123456


Finished processing all download requests @ 2022-12-09 11:29:17.910494.
     Total download requests 25
     Total errors encountered: 0

 Exiting Program...

By default, packages are downloaded to ~/NDA/nda-tools/<package-id>. If you'd like it in a different directory, use the -d or --directory flag to specify path/to/destination.