GitHub Ownership Transfer

This is a quick guide on transferring ownership of a GitHub repository. For this tutorial, we will be using the ericearl/dataset-phenotypes repository and transferring ownership over to the nimh-dsst GitHub organization. By the end of reading this, you should know the appropriate steps to take to transfer ownership of a repository and continue to maintain the repository.

Step 1: Go to the existing repository you want to transfer ownership

Go to the existing repository on GitHub from which you'd like to transfer ownership somewhere else.

Top of the existent repository's homepage

Step 2: Go to the Danger Zone

Click on the Settings tab. This will take you to the repository's General settings page. Way down at the bottom of the page, you will see a Danger Zone section.

Repository settings page

Step 3: Go to the transfer repository page

Under the Transfer ownership section click on the Transfer button. This will pop up a Transfer repository page.

Transfer repository page

Step 4: Confirm you're ready to transfer ownership

Under the New owner section you can use the Select one of my organizations radio button's drop-down option to select the organization to which you'd like to transfer the repository. Then type into the bottom text box the current owner and name of the repository as it instructs right there to confirm you're ready to transfer ownership.

Ready to click

Step 5: Confirm your access

Click the I understand, transfer this repository. button. A Confirm access modal dialog will appear where you have to confirm it's you somehow. I use Google Authenticator which is why the below screenshot shows that. This will transfer the repository to the organization you selected.

Confirm access

Step 6: Small notice

After confirming access, GitHub will take you back to your homepage and notify you about the time it might take to migrate things.

Small notice in the top left corner

Step 7: Update any local repositories

Inform your contributors to update their git remote URLs to the new repository to avoid confusion.

git remote set-url origin NEW_URL

For instance, the NEW_URL for the example in this tutorial is so the command I used was:

git remote set-url origin


That's it! Good luck not missing any typing or clicking. If you still want to read more about this, you can read GitHub's official guide here: Transferring a repository.